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A Buddhist approaches a hotdog vendor and says: "Make me one with everything."
He gives the vendor a $20 bill and waits. Finally he says: "Where's my change?"
Says the vendor: "Change comes from within."
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In The Lab With Jay Jay
The website for my video blog is over here:
John's blog
My blog is on the web over here:
This wiki was initially a place for me to keep my university study notes. Over time I started using it to make public notes about other things as well. Unfortunately it's a bit of a mess, rather like my education. Be aware that around here much gets started and nothing gets finished; very little is kept up to date.
- 2012-01-28 jj5 - If you need to get in touch, here is your one-stop shop: Contact
- 2012-01-28 jj5 - You can find out more about me at my web site:
- 2012-02-28 jj5 - Or you can read about my usernames and me at: jj5 or sixsigma
- 2011-07-25 jj5 - Here are a few handy links: Links, John's Linux page
- 2011-08-05 jj5 - If you're looking for my blog that'll be here: blog (my blog archives are here)
- 2011-08-14 jj5 - If you're looking for my club that'll be here: ProgClub, the Programmers' Club
- 2012-02-28 jj5 - If you're interested in my personal projects, those are here: Projects
- 2012-02-17 jj5 - If you're looking for my source code (well, some of it) that'll be here: jjrepo
- 2008-07-24 jj5 - My study notes are here: Study, 2014-2-PHI110
- 2011-10-05 jj5 - I have a few other random and disorganised notes from an age long passed
- 2014-07-09 jj5 - My book notes are here: Books
- 2014-03-24 jj5 - My essays are here: Essays
- 2016-06-06 jj5 - And recently: Today I Learned
- 2017-02-27 jj5 - For my notes about interacting on GitHub: GitHub
- 2017-03-21 jj5 - For my notes about hacking the Jaycar website: Jaycar
- 2017-11-19 jj5 - I made some notes about my personality
- 2017-07-08 jj5 - I'm thinking about JSON and construction idioms...
- 2018-03-17 jj5 - I've started on my 300in1 projects
- 2018-04-14 jj5 - I'm interested in nootropics
- 2018-07-24 jj5 - I'm thinking about a new laptop
- 2018-10-22 jj5 - I know what to order at Subway
- 2018-11-10 jj5 - I have some iHerb speadsheet notes
- 2018-12-16 jj5 - Here is the Cyberpunk Manifesto
- 2018-12-16 jj5 - I define The Modern Project
- 2018-12-18 jj5 - I've been learning about English Grammar
- 2019-03-05 jj5 - I'm thinking about a new backup server called happiness
- 2019-03-10 jj5 - I'm thinking about how to configure Kubuntu on my workstation tact
- 2019-03-21 jj5 - I have some homework to do concerning log monitoring and analysis
- 2019-08-04 jj5 - I'm thinking about software testing
- 2019-10-07 jj5 - I have a Sharp EL-546L scientific calculator
- 2019-10-10 jj5 - I've been finding errata for the signpost maths textbooks
- 2020-01-20 jj5 - I'm hacking on Netbeans and Firefox, maybe even Thunderbird
- 2020-02-05 jj5 - I've been doing another MOOC: Math Think
- 2020-02-20 jj5 - I'm collecting some notes about No Google
- 2020-06-09 jj5 - I'm a huge fan of psytrance
- 2020-06-10 jj5 - I've been thinking about command names
- 2020-07-11 jj5 - I have a bunch of computers in my lab and I'm thinking about shopping for more! I'm such a good little consumer.
- 2020-08-15 jj5 - I've been working on Why Software Should Be Free, a tl;dr version of Stallman's famous essay
- 2020-09-03 jj5 - I've started documenting what's on my MicroSD cards
- 2020-09-07 jj5 - I've been thinking about my diet
- 2021-03-07 jj5 - I am a fan of The Jedi Code
- 2021-03-23 jj5 - I'm planning to start cataloguing the classics, famous open-source projects
- 2021-08-06 jj5 - I have some notes about the config of my Brother PT-H105
- 2021-11-23 jj5 - I'm learning about countries
- 2021-12-10 jj5 - I made some notes about pastel colours
- 2021-12-20 jj5 - I'm watchin' those calories
- 2022-06-05 jj5 - I have a bunch of hobbies but the main one is: electronics (also xbox!)
- 2022-07-07 jj5 - I'm interested in keyboard switches for my keyboard
- 2022-12-30 jj5 - I try to do daily exercise
- 2023-02-26 jj5 - I made some notes about characters (as in letters and digits and such, including Greek and Hebrew and so on)
- 2023-03-09 jj5 - I've made some notes about All You Need To Know (About Things To Fix Electronic Stuff)
- 2023-05-11 jj5 - Kavalec's Law
- 2023-05-22 jj5 - I have standard ZFS zpool names
- 2023-06-18 jj5 - I have colour coded keyrings
- 2023-06-26 jj5 - now I'm doing In The Lab With Jay Jay
- 2023-08-01 jj5 - I made some notes about my studio
- 2023-08-03 jj5 - I made some notes about soldering temperature
- 2024-01-14 jj5 - I made a list of some of my favourite YouTube channels
- 2024-01-30 jj5 - I made some notes about Visual Studio Code
- 2024-02-25 jj5 - my kebab preferences
- 2024-03-12 jj5 - Crustaceans Chirp Chirp Challenge
- 2024-03-13 jj5 - Maxitronix
- 2024-04-22 jj5 - Microcontrollers
- 2024-05-11 jj5 - I made some notes about case
- 2024-07-25 jj5 - I am playing with a ICL8038 kit.
- 2024-07-28 jj5 - I am now making Mini Projects from Jaycar and Silicon Chip
- 2024-10-26 jj5 - I made some notes about Stephen Hawking's book God Created the Integers
- 2024-11-01 jj5 - I'm interested in Arduino
- 2025-02-20 jj5 - I made some notes about my headphones
- 2025-02-26 jj5 - I'm thinking about applying to Hackaday as a writer
- 2025-03-04 jj5 - I'm making some notes about content mills
Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime
Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime
And you may find yourself: living in a shotgun shack. And you may find yourself: in another part of the world. And you may find yourself: behind the wheel of a large automobile. And you may find yourself: in a beautiful house... with a beautiful wife. And you may ask yourself: "Well, how did I get here?" Letting the days go by -- let the water hold me down... Letting the days go by -- water flowing underground... Into the blue again -- after the money's gone... Once in a lifetime -- water flowing underground. And you may ask yourself: "How do I work this?" And you may ask yourself: "Where is that large automobile?" And you may tell yourself: "This is not my beautiful house." And you may tell yourself: "This is not my beautiful wife!" Letting the days go by -- let the water hold me down... Letting the days go by -- water flowing underground... Into the blue again -- after the money's gone... Once in a lifetime -- water flowing underground. Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Letting the days go by -- let the water hold me down... Letting the days go by -- water flowing underground... Into the blue again -- after the money's gone... Once in a lifetime -- water flowing underground. And you may ask yourself: "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself: "Where does that highway go to?" And you may ask yourself: "Am I right? Am I wrong?" And you may say to yourself: "My god! What have I done!?" Letting the days go by -- let the water hold me down... Letting the days go by -- water flowing underground... Into the blue again -- into the silent water... Under the rocks and stones -- there is water underground. Letting the days go by -- let the water hold me down... Letting the days go by -- water flowing underground... Into the blue again -- after the money's gone... Once in a lifetime -- water flowing underground. Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Hey look where my hand was! Time isn't holding up. Time isn't after us. Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was... (Letting the days go by...) Same as it ever was... (Letting the days go by...) Same as it ever was... (Letting the days go by...) Once in a lifetime...