When I want to make notes about any of my Maxitronix kits I will do that here.
I am making videos as I work my way through the full set of these Maxitronix Xin1 kits.
You can watch me assemble and test these Maxitronix kits on my video blog: In The Lab With Jay Jay.
If I need help I usually ask over on the EEVblog Electronics Community Forum.
Open a new instance of Kdenlive and File -> Save As to create a new project in charisma:/home/jj5/video/project/yyyy-mm-dd-hhmmss/
If you haven't already scanned the manual then do that on 'hawk' and transfer the scanned pages to charisma:/home/jj5/video/scan/
Find the manual scan in: charisma:/home/jj5/video/scan/ and move it into the project folder charisma:/home/jj5/video/project/yyyy-mm-dd-hhmmss/
Crop the scan into three files:
- Maxitronix-20in1-10-instructions.jpg
- Maxitronix-20in1-10-schematic.jpg
- Maxitronix-20in1-10-wiring.jpg
Drag and drop the three JPEGs onto 'jj5-maxi' on the 'charisma' desktop.
File the link in the 'lab' folder in Firefox so it can be found on 'proviso'.
The format of a Maxitronix kit video:
- welcome and introduction/overview (welcome cam)
- read scanned instructions (proviso)
- LTspice build and simulation (proviso)
- Kit construction (booth)
- Kit test and measure (bench)
- current draw
- thermal
- oscilloscope
- conclusion (farewell cam)
The planned future format of a Maxitronix kit video:
- welcome and introduction/overview (welcome cam)
- read scanned instructions (proviso)
- LTspice build and simulation (proviso)
- Kit construction (booth)
- Kit test and measure (bench)
- current draw
- thermal
- oscilloscope
- KiCad PCB design (proviso)
- PCBWay PCB order (proviso)
- PCB build (bench)
- PCB test and measure (bench)
- conclusion (farewell cam)