God Created the Integers

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These are my notes for God Created the Integers by Stephen Hawking.

"God created the integers, all else is the work of man." -- Leopold Kronecker

Historical Figures

These are my notes from ChatGPT about how to pronounce various names along with various other details for the historical figures mentioned in the book.

Image Name Pronunciation Nationality Born Died Years Lived ChatGPT Wikipedia
Pythagoras pie-THAG-uh-russ Ancient Greek c.570 BC c.495 BC ~75 pronunciation Pythagoras
Alexander the Great Al-ig-ZAN-der thuh grayt Macedonian 356 BC 323 BC ~32 pronunciation Alexander the Great
Euclid YOU-klid Ancient Greek c.325 BC c.265 BC pronunciation Euclid
Archimedes ar-kuh-MEE-deez Ancient Greek c.287 BC c.212 BC ~75 pronunciation Archimedes
Diophantus dy-oh-FAN-tuhs Ancient Greek c.200–214 AD c.284–298 AD pronunciation Diophantus
René Descartes ruh-NAY day-KART French 1596 1650 53 pronunciation René Descartes
Isaac Newton EYE-zik NYOO-tuhn English 1643 1727 84 pronunciation Isaac Newton
Leonhard Euler LAY-uh-nard OY-ler German 1707 1783 76 pronunciation Leonhard Euler
Pierre-Simon Laplace pee-AIR see-MOHN la-PLASS French 1749 1827 77 pronunciation Pierre-Simon Laplace
Adrien-Marie Legendre Ah-dree-en Mah-ree Luh-zhon-dr French 1752 1833 80 pronunciation Adrien-Marie Legendre
Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier zhawn bap-TEEST zho-ZEF foo-ree-AY French 1768 1830 62 pronunciation Joseph Fourier
Carl Friedrich Gauss Karl FREE-drik Gows German 1777 1855 77 pronunciation Carl Friedrich Gauss
Augustin-Louis Cauchy oh-goo-STAN loo-ee koh-SHEE French 1789 1857 67 pronunciation Augustin-Louis Cauchy
Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Nee-koh-lyee Ee-vuh-noh-vich Loh-buh-CHEV-skee Russian 1792 1856 63 pronunciation Nikolai Lobachevsky
Jakob Steiner YAH-kob STY-nur Swiss 1796 1863 67 pronunciation Jakob Steiner
János Bolyai YAH-nosh BO-yah-ee Hungarian 1802 1860 57 pronunciation János Bolyai
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi Karl GOO-stahf YAH-kop yah-KOH-bee German 1804 1851 46 pronunciation Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet Yo-hahn Pay-ter Goos-tahf Luh-ZHURN Deer-ih-KLAY German 1805 1859 54 pronunciation Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet
Évariste Galois Ay-vah-REEST Gah-LWAH French 1811 1832 20 pronunciation Évariste Galois
George Boole Jawrj Bool English 1815 1864 49 pronunciation George Boole
Karl Weierstrass KAHRL VY-er-strahs German 1815 1897 81 pronunciation Karl Weierstrass
Ferdinand Gotthold Max Eisenstein FAIR-dee-nant GOT-hold MAHKS EYE-zen-shtine German 1823 1852 29 pronunciation Gotthold Eisenstein
Leopold Kronecker LAY-oh-pohlt KROH-neck-er German 1823 1891 68 pronunciation Leopold Kronecker
Enrico Betti En-REE-ko BEH-tee Italian 1823 1892 68 pronunciation Enrico Betti
Francesco Brioschi fran-CHEH-skoh BREE-oh-skee Italian 1824 1897 72 pronunciation Francesco Brioschi
Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann GAY-org FREED-rikh BERN-hart REE-mahn German 1826 1866 39 pronunciation Bernhard Riemann
Richard Dedekind RIKH-ahrt DEH-deh-kint German 1831 1916 84 pronunciation Richard Dedekind
Felice Casorati feh-LEE-cheh kah-soh-RAH-tee Italian 1835 1890 54 pronunciation Felice Casorati (mathematician)
Georg Cantor GAY-org KAHN-tor German-Russian 1845 1918 72 pronunciation Georg Cantor
Hans Carl Friedrich von Mangoldt HAHNS KAHRL FREE-drikh fon MAHN-gohldt German 1854 1925 71 pronunciation Hans Carl Friedrich von Mangoldt
Henri Poincaré Ahn-ree Pwahn-ka-ray French 1854 1912 58 pronunciation Henri Poincaré
David Hilbert DAY-vid HIL-bert German 1862 1943 81 pronunciation David Hilbert
Jacques Hadamard zhak ah-da-MAHR French 1865 1963 97 pronunciation Jacques Hadamard
Charles Jean de la Vallée-Poussin Sharl Zhan duh lah vah-LEY Poo-san Belgian 1866 1962 95 pronunciation Charles Jean de la Vallée Poussin
Henri Lebesgue On-REE Luh-BEG French 1875 1941 66 pronunciation Henri Lebesgue
Albert Einstein AL-bert EYEN-stine German 1879 1955 76 pronunciation Albert Einstein
Carl Ludwig Siegel KARL LOOT-vik ZEE-guhl German 1896 1981 84 pronunciation Carl Ludwig Siegel
Kurt Gödel Kurt Gur-dell German 1906 1978 71 pronunciation Kurt Gödel
Alan Turing AL-uhn TUR-ing English 1912 1954 41 pronunciation Alan Turing
Richard Feynman RICH-erd FINE-muhn American 1918 1988 69 pronunciation Richard Feynman