Mini Projects

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This page has information about the Silicon Chip and Jaycar Mini Projects which we are making for In The Lab With Jay Jay.



The format of a Mini Project video:

  • welcome and introduction/overview (welcome cam)
  • read magazine article (bench cam)
  • read magazine article on web (proviso)
  • Jaycar add to cart and get cost (proviso)
  • Kit construction (bench)
  • Kit test and measure (bench)
    • oscilloscope
    • thermal
  • conclusion (farewell cam)

In future there may be more sections:

  • welcome and introduction/overview (welcome cam)
  • read magazine article (bench cam)
  • read magazine article on web (proviso)
  • Jaycar add to cart and get cost (proviso)
  • LTspice build and simulation (proviso)
  • Kit construction (bench)
  • Kit test and measure (bench)
    • oscilloscope
    • thermal
  • KiCad PCB design (proviso)
  • PCBWay PCB order (proviso)
  • PCB build (bench)
  • PCB test and measure (bench)
    • oscilloscope
    • thermal
  • conclusion (farewell cam)



Project Issue Silicon Chip Article Show Notes YouTube Video
JMP001 May 2024 Symbol USB Keyboard show notes video
JMP002 Lava Lamp Display