Cracking the Coding Interview
Here are my answers to the questions from Cracking the Coding Interview, Fourth Edition.
Data Structures
Arrays and Strings
Question 1.1
Implement an algorithm to determine if a string has all unique characters. What if you can not use additional data structures?
Solution: JavaScript
Question 1.2
Write code to reverse a C-Style String. (C-String means that "abcd" is represented as five characters, including the null character.)
Solution: JavaScript
Question 1.3
Design an algorithm and write code to remove the duplicate characters in a string without using any additional buffer. NOTE: One or two additional variables are fine. An extra copy of the array is not. FOLLOW UP: Write the test cases for this method.
Solution: JavaScript
Question 1.4
Write a method to decide if two strings are anagrams or not.
Solution: JavaScript
Question 1.5
Write a method to replace all spaces in a string with '%20'.
Solution: JavaScript
Question 1.6
Given an image represented by an NxN matrix, where each pixel in the image is 4 bytes, write a method to rotate the image by 90 degrees. Can you do this in place?
Solution: JavaScript