Bet with Asher

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Current bets

Actionable items from Moby Dick

1 bottle that Moby Dick provides actionable items.

Asher wins

4 bottles total so far.

Rackspace deadline

Asher bets John 6:1 that John cannot complete his TODO list (below) before 6pm 11 Sept 2014.

  1. page read duration logging and reporting (4 hours)
  2. (16 hours)
  3. (16 hours)
  4. guided tour (16 hours)
  5. web chat (24 hours)
  6. DIY personal server guide (24 hours)

With the following caveats:

  • 1 person to complete the DIY within the next 2 weeks
  • the DIY must provide instructions that match the feature list claimed on the main site
  • The demo server must demonstrate ONLY the feature list that is capable of being produced from the instructions
  • And the DIY must be completed without asking you for help out of band from
  • All pages must work with Safari on Mac

Bizdev action

  1. Actionable items on bizdev

AdWords sales

  1. One sale per $500 at Google Adwords

Moby Dick sighting

  1. Sighting of Moby Dick (2:1)

John wins

0 bottles total so far.