I'm going to nominate 2005 as my year for Hard Trance.
(Even if breaks are all the rage)
Okay, I'm finally giving it a listen...
Too early to form an opinion, but it seems the audio quality is not very impressive (I'm on the 32k wmp stream). I guess if it sounded good, though, they wouldn't be able to sell their "Very High Quality audio streams".
The stream intermittently breaks up, too. Which stream do you play?
I usually play the 32k media player stream. Although yesterday I was playing the 96k winamp stream.
I noticed the crappy sound too.
Maybe I should stick with the Psy Trance.. hmmm.
To make matters worse, I heard 3 ads!
I've been listening to the Hard Trance channel again today, and the sound quality is much better than it was yesterday. Can't explain why. I'm listening to the 36k media player stream. Maybe the 'source' was dodgy yesterday..? Sounds fine now.
...oh, and I rarely have problems with the stream 'breaking up' on me. If I do, then I just turn it off. I've got a 1.5 Mb DSL line, I wouldn't want to know about what it would be like over a dialup..
I'll have to try again soon, but I got sidetracked...
Haha! Oh no. I'm thinking of a scene from Office Space.. :)
It's horrible! Make it stop!
I always feel I should be ashamed for admitting this (I'm not ;) ), but I've only seen Office Space once and it was a really long time ago. Can you give me a synopsis?
Did you listen to it a bit? Do you hate it? :)
> Can you give me a synopsis? <
White guy, nerdy computer progammer. Stuck in traffic. Listening to hard core 'black rapper' music, acting tough. Car full of black dudes drive past. White guy freaks out, turns down the music, shrinks in his seat, and peers cautiously out the window to see that they leave. Turns the music back up, and starts acting hard core again.
It's funny. :)
> Did you listen to it a bit? Do you hate it? <
I did. I did.
Although, 'hate' is such a strong word. It's not that I particularly hate the genre, just sometimes it's too much. Perhaps I'm just not in the mood.
(btw: I downloaded all the music without reading the top of the page. Are you trying to get my in trouble Stuart..? :)
I didn't listen to very much of it by the way. Just the first one and a few seconds of a few of the other songs.. perhaps not enough to fairly comment. But from what I did hear, I certainly didn't want to hear any more. (at least not right now).
Haha! Yeah, that is funny. :)
Well, I generally hate the genre. But this is kind of interesting. I'm not sure yet how much I "like" it, but it's fun so far.
I didn't read the top of the page either. Are we criminals now? ;)
If I were to tell you that it's "cool" would that make you want to listen to it some more? :)
BTW, Huzzah!