My iMac is much cooler now.
At least I fink it is.
ty ck. :)
"ty ck" does not compute.
Why is your iMac cooler now? It's still pink, right? And made by Apple? :)
BTW, I owe you an email response (or two). ;)
It wasn't supposed to 'compute'. It's secret code. ;)
My mac is cooler because now I know how to use it. And because I discovered it's 'cd player' is actually a DVD player. Handy!
You owe nothing.
I'm gonna try and get monodevelop to run on the mac. That'd be cool.
I have to admit that secretly I'm warming to it. Oh, the shame! The worst thing is that the one I have is only 450 MHz with 128 MB RAM.. which means that evil thoughts of 'upgrades' have been flowing through my mind..
Help me.
Secret code, eh? I see...
"Owe" was a poor word choice. What I meant was, "I want to send you a couple emails, but I haven't yet because my job, college course (wrapping up now, thankfully), and family are occupying all my time."
The mac is subverting you. You know what you must do. Do it quickly: before it is too late.
Speaking of being subverted..
I'm pretty disgusted at how infected all the recent linux distributions are with the google brand.
That just pisses me off.
I figured out on my Mac how to get the google toolbar out of Safari:
edit ~/Library/Preferences/ and in the <dict> element add:
The fuckers all but hard coded it.
Although, there is a cool little GUI editor for working with .plist files..
I mean:
Stupid Mac. Supposed to be easy to use.. pfft.