(2003 to 2005)


Thu Nov 25 19:12:00 UTC+1100 2004


I got 8 new UPS batteries yesterday, bringing my UPS count to 10.


Was down for a little while earlier this evening while I re-cabled the entire place. Sorry about that. I always feel like a bit of a shmuck when I just pull the cable on my web server.

The 'front facing' bits of my network are now pretty stable ( maybe ), so I don't expect much downtime for them any time soon, although I still have quite a bit of work to do on other internal parts of the network and I hope to get around to that ( in my spare time ( yeah ) ) over the next few months.

This evening I unplugged nearly every single cable in the place ( I'd guess and say that's about 60 to 70 cables ), and put all my computers, monitors, switches and other devices in their final locations.

Then I wired up 11 computers to 3 keyboards/mouses via 4 KVMs.

Then I placed the 10 UPS devices, and the 5 power boards where they needed to go.

Then I plugged all the power cables in for 14 computers, 6 monitors, 15 transformers and a few miscellaneous items, such as a printer.

Then I connected 12 computers, with 19 NICs to 4 ethernet switches and a DSL router.

Then I threw the power back on.

Went like a charm.

I'm pretty pleased with the quality of the setup here now. Before this evening, the cabling was a bit of a tangled mess, and I didn't have enough UPSes.

There are still a few miscellaneous items to get. I want to get one of those rubber runs that you can place over cables that run across the floor, so that I can properly cover my DSL line, which is presently just taped down. Also, having that, I'll be able to put my wireless phone on a UPS, which will be nice, because my answering machine stuffs out when power drops out and obviously since it isn't powered by the phone line I can't use it if there is a black out.

I'll throw the power off some time on the w/e ( by which time I'll be confident that the batteries are fully charged ) to see that the UPSes hold out OK. The only thing that should fail during a power outage is the iMac and the sound systems, not that any one would pretend to care about that. I estimate that would continue to respond to your HTTP requests for about 15 to 20 minutes after a power outage. I think that's pretty impressive, given the amount of networking gear that needs to stay online too. I should be able to keep my printer, various external drives, and all of my workstations and servers online for about that long too.

Ya know anything about LEAD? ;)

Copyright © 2003-2005 John Elliot