I just typed 'ls' one too many times today, and decided to create ls.cmd in my util folder. (I have a folder, c:\util, registered in my %PATH%, containing handy apps that myself or others have written). I should really re-install cygwin I guess...
While I was doing that, I decided to create two other cmd files:
@cd /d %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
...add clear.cmd... :P
Figure I might as well point out, since I've mentioned them, that I've renamed 'desktop' to 'jjd' and 'home' to 'jjh'.
There are a few other little batch files / scripts / utility executables to do little things (like create a folder in the format yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss (implying UTC ;) in the current directory and change directory to it, or create a text file with a similar name and open it in EditPlus, etc) that I'm hacking together just now, so I decided to put these little apps 'under development' in my source tree, in a net.jj5.commandline project. Thus, a naming convention seems apt. Hopefully jj* will be faster to type, and a whole lot less likely to conflict as the set of tools expands.