I woke up just now, to what sounded like fireworks..
But they've been going off for a fair while now.
I hope I don't wake up one morning and find and I'm being bombed, or that there is a war in my backyard...
I woke up one morning to the sound of gunfire, and what sounded like bags of wet cement going thud thud thud on the roof.
Then I remembered there was a US civil war battle reenactment going on in a field about 1 mile away. Yes, 2,500 people dressed up in wool uniforms with muskets and cannons pretending to kill each other.
I'm still not sure what was going on 'round here the other night. I was quite honestly open to the possibility that there was a serious conflict happening off in the distance..
When I looked out the window I could vaguely see what looked like smoke and fire. But I decided it would be a good idea to stay away from the window.. :P
I checked the news, since I didn't see a headline saying "Australia Under Attack" I figured it probably wasn't anything worth worrying about. Still don't have a solid theory on what it was that I heard though.. it lasted for a long time, seemed like too long for any sort of fireworks display, although I guess that's what it must have been.. or maybe it was some sort of live fire exercise.. who knows.