On my Diet <insert the brand of cola I'm presently drinking here> bottle that I just finished:
BB19AUG04 13:37
Specifially the 13:37.. seriously.
Firstly, 13 is a favorite number of mine. It's prime, and it's 'unlucky'.
Secondly, 37 is my favorite number in the whole world.
Thirdly, there is only a 1 in 1,440 change that was the time they printed. And only a 1 in 60 chance that the minute was 37.
Lastly, BB19AUG04 is interesting, for this very obscure reason:
BB 19-8-04
BB 1984
Big Brother 1984
And besides, 'best before 2004-08-19' is boring.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that
1337 => LEET => elite.
So the entire message could be:
Big Brother 1984 Elite.
You like?
p.s. Yes, I saw Beautiful Mind. The worst part what that John Nash's first name was John.
'What', 'Was'.. at least I have no fear of being a paranoid genius! ;)
John Nash had the right idea though. He was trying to find patterns in state. He just didn't expand his scope enough.